Welcome, Callahan!

Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes.
Callahan joined us on August 7, 2021 and we could not be more in love.
Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes.
Callahan joined us on August 7, 2021 and we could not be more in love.
Make Your Own Vision Board Using This Tutorial
Putting baby’s nursery together has felt like a very daunting task – I’m caught in the middle of wanting to be prepared while also realizing that I’ve never had a baby and have truly no idea what they could possibly want nor do I have any idea what I could possibly find helpful. We’re strong believers in keeping things minimal and flexible, so I’m trying to narrow things down to what we really need and then go from there. We’re not going with any specific theme, and just sticking with a neutral color palette that says boy without screaming it (hopefully).
This look changed at least 5 times, but choosing our priorities and then working from those really helped to narrow things down. Our priorities, more specifically, were 1) a black crib (for some reason, very hard to find multiple options at a reasonable price point) and 2) a rocker that also reclined, so we knew that everything else would have to be flexible around that. I’m such a visual person so it’s nice to see the room virtually come together and cut out the things that I just couldn’t make work.
The first (and only) thing we have bought for baby or his room at this point, is this rug from Boutique Rugs. We have been thankful to have already been gifted with the rocker/recliner and the dresser which leaves us with just a few more nursery necessities. We are working with a relatively small space and at this point, there are still some things leftover from the room’s previous life that we are still needing to donate or relocate. Thankfully, we’re not planning on painting the room other than a few touch ups here and there. I painted it Sherwin Williams’ color Gracious Greige a few years ago and am still 100% obsessed with it.
I’m really hoping that this nursery will be a calm and cozy spot for all of us to enjoy and that, over time, the items that we’ve chosen can easily be transitioned into whatever makes sense for us down the road.
Links: Crib | Dog Photos | Rug | Rocking Chair | Curtains | Lamp | Dresser | Teddy Bear (no longer available)
Kevin and I are excited to share some BIG NEWS…
Kevin and I are over the moon excited to have this sweet babe joining our family – it still feels surreal typing these words. We’re currently 17 weeks and feeling pretty great, which has been a huge blessing. The last couple months have been filled with sleep, telling close family and friends, more sleep, pup snuggles, and lots of sour gummy worms. Did I mention sleep? There’s been a lot of that.
But in all seriousness, this space has been pretty empty. It’s difficult to write about goals and life without talking about this news, which we wanted to keep private until we were ready and had told family first. In preparation, to preserve memories for myself in this space, I’ve been writing posts and plan to “back date” them in the coming weeks. There’s plenty to say, and lots I want to remember because I know that time is fleeting – heck we’re already almost halfway.
This post was originally written at the beginning of March when we first learned of baby’ Reape’s gender, however, it wasn’t posted until after we made the announcement.
Kevin and I went back and forth trying to decide if we’d look at the gender results up until the moment we found out. We knew we’d have the opportunity to find out earlier than our anatomy scan, due to the genetic screening that our doctor recommended. We have friends and family who have both found out and who have waited until the birth day and both seemed to have pros and cons. We loved the idea of a surprise (there are so few in life!) but we also loved the idea of calling baby by their name and bonding in that way before they are born. So, we decided to find out! Before I share, let’s see if the old wives tales can accurately determine the results.
Heart Rate
Chinese Calendar
How You’re Carrying
Severity of Morning Sickness
Mom’s prediction: boy
Dad’s prediction: girl
Totals: BOY = 3, GIRL = 5
No surprise that it’s a close one, and with a few tests left out or inconclusive because it’s still so early maybe we didn’t get the most accurate results. But without further ado….