It’s hard to believe that another year and another goal setting season are in the rearview. I love Christmas and I also love November and December for reflecting on the year and planning for the next one. I used to be someone who had the mindset that there was nothing special about the new year in terms of setting goals, but I’m rejecting that notion now. I truly get a renewed excitement over the new year that gives me just that little extra motivation and drive – so why not run with it?!
I had my one little word, experiment, picked out in September and felt ready to start carrying it with me. I mentioned at the beginning of 2022 that I wasn’t thrilled about “engage”. I started to lean into it a bit as the months set in, but I didn’t feel the pull to hold onto it as tightly as I had with other words. Experiment started to feel like a bit of a companion word that was hanging on for dear life while I tried to stick it out with engage. So, all that to say, I’m ready to give it the front and center attention that it deserves.
I’m really trying to keep it simple for my 2023 goals (which fits in perfectly with Goal #1). The more I try to add to my plate, the more my priorities are stretched and I think these two are worth really focusing on.
Simplify at Home
While setting goals for the year, I kept coming back to wanting to live my life intentionally. I have found myself (I’m sure like many other working parents) feeling like time with my boy is already limited, so I really don’t want to come home and have to micromanage my home. I want to come home and play and eat and learn and explore and go on adventures. This being said, I do want our home and my mindset about our home to be one of peace and comfort (for both myself and others).
So what does this practically look like? I’m glad you asked. Here are a few ideas that I have up my sleeve to reach this goal for 2023:
Get rid of 50% of our belongings.
Meal plan by month and then recycle through meals.
Spend more time outside.
Track spending/wardrobe in a way that considers if an item is consumable and how often it’s used.
Complete our basement work.
Stick to a cleaning schedule after bedtime.
Paint trim and walls in our main living space.
Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple but significant. – Maria Defillo
Minimalism isn’t about owning less than you need. It’s about owning exactly what you need. – Joshua Becker
Less, but better. – Greg McKeown
Focus on my Health
I’m annoyed at myself because I’m dragging last year’s goal into the new year. Last year, I honestly made a lot of excuses in terms of how I was treating my body and I don’t want to do that anymore. I mentioned above that I get a lot of motivation and willpower from the start of a new year, so I’m running with all that positive energy in hopes that I can make habits that stick. I’m sticking to a meal plan and trying working out regularly. My thought is that I don’t have to exercise everyday, but I can’t go two days in a row without moving my body.
Visualize your highest self and then show up as her. – Unknown
Below is my vision board and how I hope 2023 feels with both my One Little Word and my goals.
It’s been nearly two years since I’ve shared my monthly goals, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been putting my PowerSheets to work each month. Goals with a toddler look a lot different and feel a lot more functional than they have in the past. I think there’s something to be said for priorities and being more intentional about how I spend my free time these days. When it comes to goals this month, a lot of this has been on my radar and circles back to the big picture of my word of the year, engage. I’m thinking of November as the prep work for the holiday season in order to really be able to slow down and spend as much time as possible with family during December.
Write 10+ Blog Posts – I’ve been hoping to figure out a balance of what I want to share in this space and I think that having a goal will help me do that. One of my favorite things to do in years past was Blog-tember – where a group of us shared a blog post every single day of September based on a list of prompts. Leading up to November, I wrote down a list of things that have been on my mind to share, so I’m going to start there.
Finish Christmas shopping – I really want to set the pace for the holiday season by having a plan ahead of time and focusing on family and experiences this holiday season (vs stressing last minute about gifts). I already have quite a few ideas so it’s just a matter of getting a few more and making the selections.
Have Family Photos Taken – This one may be cheating, because it’s already scheduled, but it’s my goal to have family photos taken at least twice a year. I’m hoping this lines up perfectly for Christmas cards.
Decorate for Christmas – I normally wait to put Christmas decorations up until the beginning of December, but with celebrating Christmas out of town (and knowing I’ll take everything down the moment I get home), I really want to enjoy the decorations in our home more than ever. I cannot wait to see Callahan’s delight at the lights this year.
Walk – I am hoping to get outside to walk with Callahan every day when the weather is nice! Let’s say 45 degrees or warmer.
Sabbath – I haven’t been great this year about prioritizing a day of rest. I feel like I go-go with work through the week and then the weekends are my time to focus on errands and around the house chores. I’d really like to take a look at my normal rhythms to see if I can’t adjust that for a whole day of no commitments and to do list items.
Four Books – I want to keep up the pace of reading/listening to four books in November. I’m already at 32 for the year and hope to finish at about 40!
Paint the Upstairs Trim – A project that I’m not looking forward to that will pay dividends in terms of enjoying how my home looks and feels. The ideal situation would be to take a day off work to do it.
Here’s a quick snap of my One Little Word talisman while we were at the corn maze for a family event with work! I have my 2023 word already all picked and out and the coin to commemorate it is on it’s way (yippee!).
What a year. One that simultaneously felt a million months and just 2 months long at the same time. While we dealt with so many things we could have never imagined (dare I say…unprecedented?) just a year ago as we were ringing in 2020, this year was one of significant growth in so many areas of my life. I attribute so much of that to being able to slow my pace. I said to multiple friends as we were talking about the year that it felt like a time of intense Sabbath. A time of rest, a time of reseting, a time of learning and a time of figuring myself out.
I’ve been choosing a word each year as an intention and to help set goals. The strange thing about this year, is that delight has been my word for 2021since 2019. I knew open was for 2020, but delight just never left my mind. Delight feels a little like joy, but maybe more sought out.
delight (noun): great pleasure; satisfaction
Delight is an invitation to find the joy in the mundane.
Delight is an invitation to celebrate, to have dance parties in the kitchen with Kev, and just be silly.
Delight is an invitation to watch a beautiful sunset, or sit outside and watch rain fall, or take a long drive.
Delight is an invitation to continue the slowness I personally experienced in 2020.
Delight is an invitation to practice gratitude, even when days are hard or busy or stress-filled.
Delight is an invitation to get out of my comfort zone, but also to rest.
I hope 2021 is full of delight.
Goal: Number my days.
Why: I want to ruthlessly cut out anything that prevents me from being present, intentional, and LIVING this life.
What success looks like: More time spent doing things I love and less on social media and obligations. Feeling less rushed and more intentional every day.
November was a whirlwind of stress and COVID spikes, so I’m not going to even try to pretend that I came close to getting much done in the way of goals. At the end of the day, my number one thing was to keep up the exercise routine. And I definitely did that. I cannot say enough how much of a game changer that has been for my mental and physical health this year. It’s ranged from Orange Theory work outs to walks around the block with the dogs and so many different things in between. I’m excited to build on this habit in 2021.
November Monthly Goals
Paint Built in Book Shelves – I had really good intentions (I even have the paint!) but it didn’t get done, so I’m taking it off my list for the time being.
Read 4 Books – I read 6!
Replace Blinds – This fell down on the priority list, and didn’t get done in November. I’m not 100% on when it will, so I’m putting it on pause for now.
Complete my Real Estate Courses – womp womp. Extended until the end of December. Let’s hope I can wrap this thing up!
Show Small and Local for Christmas – We have loved shopping local this season. I did a fun little round up here of our favorite places.
Vote on November 3rd! – Yep!
November Weekly Goals
Two Orange Theory Fitness Classes – check, check but I’ve frozen my account for the time being due to COVID.
Weigh In – done!
Budget – done and done, proud of our progress this month!
Weekly Sabbath – I practiced a Sabbath every week but one, we’ll call that a win.
November Daily Goals
Exercise – got most days in November.
Read the Word / Prayer – honestly, I could have done better with this one.
Take Vitamins – high five!
Journal – Yep!
November Highlights
We voted!
Taylor and Todd got engaged!
Kevin attempted the 10,000 calorie challenge with Andrew.
We tried HelloFresh (yum!)
We decorated a little earlier than normal for Christmas.
This month, I feel like I’m getting back down to the roots of my goals by only including things that will move the needle in one of these two areas:
Goal 1: Prioritize my health – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and social.
Goal 2: Allow open to be an invitation to live intentionally.
It feels good to get back to the basics. Each year, by December, I notice that little side goals, or things that I just want to tick off start finding their way into my monthly list and that’s not really the point of completing Powersheets for me, personally.
December Monthly Goals
Send Christmas cards – I love doing this each year and think it’s an awesome way to connect, especially in a year where I haven’t gotten to see my family as much as I’d like.
Take a week off work! – I need this. Looking forward to taking some time off after Christmas.
Set phone hours – The scrolling numbers are creeping up. I’m trying to work on intentionality, so here we are setting some boundaries for what that looks like.
December Weekly Goals
Sabbath – New month, same goal. Love this practice and look forward to it every week.
Meal Prep – This one helps the next one, and it just makes my days feel so much easier.
Weigh In – Really proud of my progress both on and off the scale but this one just helps to keep me accountable.
In all honesty, this month was full of all the things – from amazing to anxiety-filled. I felt like the habits I’ve been building this year started to fall apart and I wasn’t able to stay on track with all of my goals as much as I had been since the beginning of the year. It was bound to happen, months get busy and obviously there is so much outside of our control, especially in 2020. I’m trying to go into November remembering that I can only control what’s in my grasp and I have to trust that it will be enough. When I set goals at the beginning of 2020, here’s what I decided on:
Goal 1: Prioritize my health – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and social.
Goal 2: Allow open to be an invitation to live intentionally.
In October, here is how those two goals played out:
October Monthly Goals
Paint Built Ins – Moving this to November
Clean out basement and shop vac – Not fun, but it’s done.
Work on Real Estate Exam Course – Not as far as I’d like to be, but we’re still moving forward.
Participate in Ali Edwards’ Art of Noticing – done!
Read 4 Books – I only finished two in October, but I got some more in the works.
October Weekly Goals
Two Orange Theory Classes Per Week – maybe my favorite goal of the month. Check!
Weigh In – yep!
Budget – stayed on track and reviewed weekly.
Tending Tuesday – done!
Weekly Sabbath – finished strong on this one.
October Daily Goals
Exercise – Rocked this one.
Read the Word – Not too shabby!
Hit H2O goal – I did about have the days this month.
Vitamins – I could have done better on this one!
October Highlights
Our friends, Jeff and Taylor, had their sweet baby boy.
We spend an entire weekend in Hamilton and I get to enjoy lots of baby snuggles.
We had our first snow of the season on October 26. Normally I wouldn’t consider this a highlight, but here we are.
October Favorites
Food: Perfect Bars
Book: The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker
Purchase: Jeans from American Eagle
Song: The Lakes by Taylor Swift
I managed to journal every day in October, which is a pretty awesome feat but also is a good indicator of me listening to what I need. I’m hoping to jump back on the bandwagon in November and knock out some more goals before the year comes to an end. Here’s what we’re looking at for November:
November Monthly Goals
Paint Built in Book Shelves – I’ve been wanting to to some touch ups and paint the entire section of built ins in our basement. We are using oil based paint, so I’m hoping for a good weather day for me to have the windows open.
Read 4 Books – It may not be reasonable to keep up the momentum from last month, but we’ll see how we do.
Replace Blinds – Our blinds are all wonky sizes, so we’re needing to get custom blinds made – I’m hoping for a good Black Friday deal.
Complete my Real Estate Courses
Show Small and Local for Christmas – I’m really hoping to support small and local businesses in both what I buy and what I ask for this year.
Vote on November 3rd!
November Weekly Goals
Most of these are the same as they’ve been, but I’m seeing progress in all areas, so I’m going to keep chugging. I’m adding the FinalVibe content calendar for each week, because that’s something that I’ve really been enjoying and that has been helpful to FinalVibe progress.
I started on February 20, 2019 so the challenge will end on November 17, 2021. As of today, I’ve already crossed 24 items off the list. I’ll be honest, COVID hasn’t done anything good for traveling or in person events, but we’ll see if we can cross some of those off by the end of next year.
Create a list of 101 things I want to accomplish in 2.75 years (February 20,2019)
Unplug completely for 24 Hours
Get a massage
Plant a flower garden
Consolidate email addresses (Spring 2020)
Watch the Blues win the Stanley Cup (June 2019 – WE WON!)
Release floating lanterns
Camp for the first time
Eat food from a food truck (August 20, 2020 – 12 Baskets)
Read 50 new books (50/50 – The Five Intentions // Atomic Habits // The Path Between Us // The More of Less // Everybody Always // Girl, Stop Apologizing // A Love Letter Life // Lean In // The Coddling of the American Mind // Afraid of All The Things // Just Open the Door // The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry // In His Image // Grateful American // Reading People // 168 Hours // It’s Not Supposed to be This Way // Where the Crawdads Sing // The Enneagram Type 8 // The Alchemist // All Along You Were Blooming // An Edited Life // Looking for Lovely // Uninvited // Lethal White // A Court of Thorns and Roses // When Less Becomes More // Liturgy of the Ordinary // Ready Player One // Digital Minimalism // A Court of Mist and Fury // A Court of Wings and Ruin // A Court of Frost and Starlight // Growing up Amish // Prayer // Goodbye, Things // The Path Made Clear // Decluttering at the Speed of Life // Garden City // So You Want to Talk About Race // The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes // This is Where You Belong // Dare to Lead // The Selection // The Elite // The One // The Heir // The Queen // Leave Your Legacy // Chasing Vines)