Blooms and Wishes Flower Bar

Stopped at this sweet mobile flower bar on my walk this evening! Stephanie made me the most stunning bouquet and I got to hear about her dream of a flower bar coming to fruition. Love getting to witness the passion, creativity and joy of local and small businesses.

Mother’s Day Weekend

Words inspired by Elise and sent to Kevin.

+ It’s my zoo era.

Enjoyed the sweetest weekend with family celebrating birthdays and Mother’s Day. Callahan loved the zoo – his favorites were birds, ducks, penguins, and elephants.

Happy Birthday, Chloe!

Today is Chloe’s 9th birthday and marks approximately 7 1/2 years with us. We love this sweet girl. ❤️

The Good List

The Good List: some pretty fantastic friends, the yummiest biscuits in Columbia, and celebrations for new adventures.

The Year of Experiment

Experiment (verb): to tryout new concepts or ways of doing things.

⭐️ Experiment is an invitation to get curious and to ask questions.

⭐️ Experiment is an invitation to play with pace. To discover when to take it easy and when to charge ahead – because there is a time for both.

⭐️ Experiment is an invitation to adventure, go the long way, or take the scenic route.

⭐️ Experiment is an invitation to try and get it wrong. To see what works for me.

⭐️ Experiment is an invitation to find a mix of rhythms, routines, and being fully present.

I hope 2023 is full of new things, jumping in without having all the answers and filling the year with new and fun adventures.

TikTok Trends

I always enjoy following along with current trendy things on social media. Even though I don’t post there super regularly, it’s still fun to think about what I would post if I was following along with the viral TikTok challenges (minus dances because, well, just no). Most of the ones I’m excited about lately are Pinterest related – so enjoy these few fun things and maybe I’ll share some again in the future when new ones pop up.


This one was made by searching my name and “core” on Pinterest.

I’m a huge fan of the French vibes that my name always brings about. Plus books and a solid quote. I’m sold.

Jacqueline Aesthetic

Searched “Jacqueline Aesthetic” on Pinterest. Mind readers. Censor for tiny eyes.

Doesn’t the second to last photo remind you of a Taylor Swift album? Just me, ok cool. PS. Writing a post about all my thoughts on Taylor Swifts new album with a whole list of my favorite songs.

If My Pinterest Board Was My __________

Curated Pinterest boards showcasing all my favorites.

Simultaneously my favorite to make and the longest to put together. I did have some of these things already pinned, but it was fun to categorize them in this way. Attitude and aesthetic are spot on. I normally say “neutral” is my favorite color, but I had to do something a little more visually interesting for this!

If I were a __________ (according to Kevin)

I asked Kevin, “If I were a __________ (color, season, fruit, etc.) what would I be? These were his answers.

  • Color: coral
  • Season: fall
  • Fruit: blueberries
  • Time of day: nap time
  • Flower: mums
  • Thing: magic 8 ball
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Weather: 73 degrees and partly sunny
  • Food: nachos

Ok, this was fun. I’m here for all of the things that are supposed to describe me. Obviously, if I didn’t agree it wouldn’t be here. They are all curated and lovely and I just want to keep them here as a reminder of silly things we do like I wish I still had my last MySpace Top 8, Favorite Xanga Quotes and Tumblr reposts. RIP to all those websites, ok bye for now.