The Good List – Snow Day Edition

The Good List: Two snow days for a boy who is really excited about snow. Sprinkled moments in the work (from home) day to play. Opening “presents” at my desk and helping put the final lego on top of the tower – too good. The way that golf and lawnmowing become winter activities. How he wants to be just like his daddy. Cozy blankets to snuggle with when we come inside. An incredible start to my 2025 reading goal. Snow gear from last year that still fits IYKYK. And together being exactly where we want to be. 

Cheers to being snowed in with my crew.

Weekend Wrap Up

What a weekend. We got about two inches of snow on Friday and the cold front (after several days of 50-60 degree weather) made us want to stay inside all weekend. We did venture out to hang up our new bird feeder and I snuck in a little me time at a bookshop downtown. I did come away with the first book in the Crescent City series by Sarah J Maas that I’ve had on my TBR for years at this point.

I’m currently in the middle of the audiobook “Remarkably Bright Creatures” which is book number 12 for the year. I managed 65 in 2023 and am on track to surpass that if I keep up this pace. Depends on how many 800+ page Sarah J Maas/Brandon Sanderson books make it onto my list. I’ve really been trying to habit switch to spend less of my time on my phone, and more with a book after Cal goes to bed. Amazing book stores and a nightstand full of books I’m excited about definitely help make that happen.

Skylark Bookshop + Bubblecup Tea

Fall Bucket List

The best thing I did all year was create a bucket list of experiences that I wanted our family to prioritize throughout the fall. We definitely didn’t hit all of them, but the ones we did check off were so much fun! For each thing that we ticked off, I made a little collage of 3-4 photos.

Get Family Pictures Taken – September 1

Kyla Taylor Photography

Tailgate at a Football Game – September 16

Go Apple Picking – September 23

Thierbach Orchards in Marthasville, MO

Visit the Zoo – September 30

Decorate the Front Porch – October 8

Go to a Pumpkin Patch + Cal’s First Field Trip – October 9

Visit Rocheport – October 9

Homecoming – October 21

Dress Up for Halloween – October 31

Our little firefighter!

TikTok Trends

I always enjoy following along with current trendy things on social media. Even though I don’t post there super regularly, it’s still fun to think about what I would post if I was following along with the viral TikTok challenges (minus dances because, well, just no). Most of the ones I’m excited about lately are Pinterest related – so enjoy these few fun things and maybe I’ll share some again in the future when new ones pop up.


This one was made by searching my name and “core” on Pinterest.

I’m a huge fan of the French vibes that my name always brings about. Plus books and a solid quote. I’m sold.

Jacqueline Aesthetic

Searched “Jacqueline Aesthetic” on Pinterest. Mind readers. Censor for tiny eyes.

Doesn’t the second to last photo remind you of a Taylor Swift album? Just me, ok cool. PS. Writing a post about all my thoughts on Taylor Swifts new album with a whole list of my favorite songs.

If My Pinterest Board Was My __________

Curated Pinterest boards showcasing all my favorites.

Simultaneously my favorite to make and the longest to put together. I did have some of these things already pinned, but it was fun to categorize them in this way. Attitude and aesthetic are spot on. I normally say “neutral” is my favorite color, but I had to do something a little more visually interesting for this!

If I were a __________ (according to Kevin)

I asked Kevin, “If I were a __________ (color, season, fruit, etc.) what would I be? These were his answers.

  • Color: coral
  • Season: fall
  • Fruit: blueberries
  • Time of day: nap time
  • Flower: mums
  • Thing: magic 8 ball
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Weather: 73 degrees and partly sunny
  • Food: nachos

Ok, this was fun. I’m here for all of the things that are supposed to describe me. Obviously, if I didn’t agree it wouldn’t be here. They are all curated and lovely and I just want to keep them here as a reminder of silly things we do like I wish I still had my last MySpace Top 8, Favorite Xanga Quotes and Tumblr reposts. RIP to all those websites, ok bye for now.

Engage – MORE // LESS

MORE finishing the year soft, LESS finishing the year strong.

MORE embracing the season of dormancy, of slowing down.

MORE snuggles on the couch, LESS planned activities 24/7.

MORE engaging in the magic and the mess, LESS engaging in the expectations.

MORE focus on priorities, but LESS actual priorities.

MORE stops at the playground, LESS stuff to fill up our house.

MORE showing up authentically.

MORE deep conversations and vulnerability, LESS surface level.

MORE sabbath practice.

MORE embracing The And Space.

MORE peace, LESS turbulence.

MORE living in the present, LESS overthinking.

MORE connection, LESS distraction.

MORE delight and awe, LESS going through the motions.

MORE experiences, LESS clutter and things.

MORE deep breaths.

MORE texts, LESS tech.

MORE good books, but MORE of The Good Book.

MORE family hugs, pups included.

What are you hoping to incorporate more and less of in this season?

The Year of Engage

I almost didn’t choose a word of the year. After 9 years (!!) of picking one word to focus on for an entire year, I felt stuck. 2021 was a big year. I turned 30. Had a baby. Took on more responsibilities at work. It felt weighty to choose a word that would encompass all that and a growth mindset while also feeling a desire to pare down and dial back. I tossed around a LOT of different ideas and didn’t actually pick one until after January 1st.

I believe that an intentional life boils down to passion and connecting to a strong “why”. Choosing a word I wanted to focus on needed to align with that (no pressure). Words in the running: steady, still, intentional, play, slow, balance, content, celebrate, selah, attract, and finally my word for 2022, engage.

engage (verb): occupy, attract, or involve; establish a meaningful contact or connection with

Engage is a reminder to have hard conversations. 

Engage is a reminder to lean into the challenges and growth of mamahood. 

Engage is a reminder of what needs my immediate attention an what does not. 

Engage is a reminder that my actions and words set an example. 

Engage is is a reminder that “our days are numbered”, “time is a thief”, and “they won’t stay little for long”. 

Engage is a reminder to be present.

Throughout 2021, there was a lot that worked – being more agile (I’m looking at you 3 week early baby!), celebrating milestones and wins, as well ask asking for help more often. But I also saw a few things that didn’t – having a rigid schedule, overthinking through things I could not control, and trying to overdo it. I really learned that my priorities were shifting. I asked myself frequently how I would feel about certain tasks when I looked back on my life at 80 years old. Relationships, the way I had cared for my own health, and the impact I had made on others ranks at the top of the list. But you know the things that won’t? A 100% perfectly clean house, posts/likes online, and the size of my clothes. So I set the following goals: 1. Feed Callahan for 6 months. 2. Focus on my health through the food I’m eating, the way I’m moving my body, and how I’m caring for myself mentally and emotionally. 3. Nourish relationships and be all in for my people. This includes celebrating wins, learning from mistakes, and thinking of other people first.

I am ready to engage.

As part of my brainstorming process for picking a word, I see what quotes, mantras, and photos are appealing to me. Here are just a few:

Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:13

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. Brene Brown

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