

Rhythms have been on my mind a lot over the last year, especially moving from my intention of rest to my intention of open. I’ve thought a lot about my own rhythms – what mine are and why I have them – as well as how those compare to the things that are naturally occurring around me. It seems that this is made evident to me the most in the fall, as the leaves begin to change colors and lose their leaves. It sometimes seems hard to be aware of the changing of leaves budding in the spring, to being full and lush in the summer, to changing colors and falling in autumn, to the bare trees of the winter – and again and again each year without fail.

Rhythms are a regular reminder of times to speed up and slow down, work and rest, and inhale and exhale. I love rhythms over routines because they’re softer. They’re less like rules and more like encouragements. Rhythms are a way of saying that something is important without saying it’s a non-negotiable. It’s a way to show up for the projects, emergencies, and most urgent while still getting the day to day tasks done. Part of my daily rhythm right now is to make sure that I track my food and exercise daily but if something or someone needs me, that’s where I’m going to show up first. I will give up my exercise streak on my Apple Watch so that I could hold my best friend’s new baby and enjoy some extra sleep on a weekend away. Rhythms mean that I hit the exercise and calorie goal most days but that I’ll always get to prioritize my people over anything else.

I was excited to see that the Magnolia Journal’s fall theme was rhythms. After reading so many good things, I decided I wanted to memorialize their piece called An Essay on Rhythms:

Nature dances to a rhythm: In the way the sun rises and sets. In the birds’ song at sunrise and in the crickets’ chirp at sunset. In the way each season moves us along throughout the year…the annual cadence of a rainy April, giving way to a hot July, giving way to a crisp October, giving way to a cold January, and the thousands of little orchestras that follow the tempo of that grand symphony. The flowers move to the rhythm of the seasons: sprouting and budding and blooming and dying.

Humanity dances to a rhythm: in the holidays we celebrate the order in which they come. Costumes and candy give way to turkey and football, which give way to carols and gifts wrapped under the tree. We find rhythm in our daily commute, in the voice of the DJ’s morning report, in the stoplights and exits, in the pleasantries exchanged with the coffee shop barista. Rhythm comes with bodies that must be fed three times a day (give or take), with daily prayer and weekly meetings and monthly girls’ nights and yearly Super Bowl games. We create bedtime rhythms: We bathe our kids, brush their teeth, read them a story, tuck them in, and sing a song.

There is peace in rhythm. There is security and predictability. Not a stagnant sort of predictability, just enough to make us feel like everything is going to be okay, just enough to give us something to look forward to. Because while there’s a lot of rhythm, there’s also a lot of chaos. There are unexpected bills to pay, relationships to maintain, natural disasters, an ongoing to do list that will never be completely finished, flat tires, bad moods, burnt dinners.

But then there’s the sun, rising again. And then there’s our lungs, exhaling again. And then there’s Thanksgiving, right around the corner. We’ll take our afternoon coffee break. We’ll say a prayer. We’ll look up and see ducks flying south for the winter. We’ll cross the next thing off our to do list. We’ll get a new winter coat. We’ll plan a summer trip. We’ll go for an evening walk.

And we’ll tap our feet. We’ll sway back and forth. We’ll clap our hands. We’ll lean into the rhythms of our lives because they give us a sense of place in our story, clueing us in to where we’ve been and where we might expect to go next, offering us familiarity in the midst of a chaotic world – like our lungs filling with air and then emptying themselves and filling up again, like the ocean tides and the morning cups of tea and the annual harvest festivals: We embrace the rhythm of the season, and we find peace in the way it moves us.

An Eassy on Rhythm // The Magnolia Journal, Fall 2020

November Goals

In all honesty, this month was full of all the things – from amazing to anxiety-filled. I felt like the habits I’ve been building this year started to fall apart and I wasn’t able to stay on track with all of my goals as much as I had been since the beginning of the year. It was bound to happen, months get busy and obviously there is so much outside of our control, especially in 2020. I’m trying to go into November remembering that I can only control what’s in my grasp and I have to trust that it will be enough.  When I set goals at the beginning of 2020, here’s what I decided on:

Goal 1: Prioritize my health – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and social.

Goal 2: Allow open to be an invitation to live intentionally.

In October, here is how those two goals played out:

October Monthly Goals

  • Paint Built Ins – Moving this to November
  • Clean out basement and shop vac – Not fun, but it’s done.
  • Work on Real Estate Exam Course – Not as far as I’d like to be, but we’re still moving forward.
  • Participate in Ali Edwards’ Art of Noticing done!
  • Read 4 Books – I only finished two in October, but I got some more in the works.

October Weekly Goals

  • Two Orange Theory Classes Per Week – maybe my favorite goal of the month. Check!
  • Weigh In – yep!
  • Budget – stayed on track and reviewed weekly.
  • Tending Tuesday – done!
  • Weekly Sabbath – finished strong on this one.

October Daily Goals

  • Exercise – Rocked this one.
  • Read the Word – Not too shabby!
  • Hit H2O goal – I did about have the days this month.
  • Vitamins – I could have done better on this one!

October Highlights

  • Our friends, Jeff and Taylor, had their sweet baby boy.
  • I was on the FinalVibe Podcast.
  • I started going to Orange Theory workouts!
  • Kevin went on a 100 mile bike ride that ended a little differently than we expected. (Also, he has a Vlog.)
  • We go to get pumpkins, I take two days off work, and we visit the lake of the ozarks. Kevin also vlogged this weekend.
  • We spend an entire weekend in Hamilton and I get to enjoy lots of baby snuggles.
  • We had our first snow of the season on October 26. Normally I wouldn’t consider this a highlight, but here we are.

October Favorites

Food: Perfect Bars

Book: The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker

Purchase: Jeans from American Eagle

Song: The Lakes by Taylor Swift

I managed to journal every day in October, which is a pretty awesome feat but also is a good indicator of me listening to what I need. I’m hoping to jump back on the bandwagon in November and knock out some more goals before the year comes to an end. Here’s what we’re looking at for November:

November Monthly Goals

  • Paint Built in Book Shelves – I’ve been wanting to to some touch ups and paint the entire section of built ins in our basement. We are using oil based paint, so I’m hoping for a good weather day for me to have the windows open.
  • Read 4 Books – It may not be reasonable to keep up the momentum from last month, but we’ll see how we do.
  • Replace Blinds – Our blinds are all wonky sizes, so we’re needing to get custom blinds made – I’m hoping for a good Black Friday deal.
  • Complete my Real Estate Courses
  • Show Small and Local for Christmas – I’m really hoping to support small and local businesses in both what I buy and what I ask for this year.
  • Vote on November 3rd!

November Weekly Goals

Most of these are the same as they’ve been, but I’m seeing progress in all areas, so I’m going to keep chugging. I’m adding the FinalVibe content calendar for each week, because that’s something that I’ve really been enjoying and that has been helpful to FinalVibe progress.

  • Two Orange Theory Fitness Classes
  • Weigh In
  • Budget
  • Tending Tuesday
  • Weekly Sabbath

November Daily Goals

  • Exercise
  • Read the Word / Prayer
  • Take Vitamins
  • Journal

What are your goals for November?

Turning 29: Things I’ve Learned and Love this Year

Turning 29: Things I’ve Learned and Love this Year

Today is my 29th birthday! I thought I’d take a note out of Rachel Dawson’s book and write about all the things that I’ve learned and loved over the past 365 days. The last couple birthdays have been tough, but I’ve felt so much more peace and assurance with 29.

Here are 29 Things I’ve Learned This Year:

  1. Global pandemics can happen. They bring fear, anxiety, and chaos when you can’t imagine there being more. But in the midst of the unpredictable there can be peace and healing and gratitude. We have a far greater propensity for change and adapting than we give ourselves credit for.
  2. Sabbath is essential. God didn’t create it for His benefit, but for mine. For me, rest looks like going on adventures, naps, gardening, taking out the big camera, and chasing the dogs in the yard.
  3. Staying consistent and building daily habits is key for me.
  4. Documenting my life continues help me see big and small blessings.
  5. Making goals and checking in with myself regularly helps me to consistently reprioritize and shift my focus to what really matters and let go of what doesn’t.
  6. Finding gratitude in the mundane has kept me sane during these “unprecedented” times.
  7. Yes, I can. Sometimes I hold myself back for no reason other than that I don’t believe in myself enough.
  8. Showing up is 90% of the battle.

Here are 29 Things I’ve Loved This Year:

  1. Quiet Time Baskets.
  2. Airpods.
  3. All the plants (but specifically: Pothos, ZZ, and Jade).
  4. King-sized, Purple Mattresses.
  5. Essential Oils.
  6. Memes.
  7. Powersheets (always).
  8. A pocket reminder of my One Little Word.
  9. FinalVibe Podcast.
  10. Long walks (bonus points if friends tag along).
  11. Supporting local businesses.
  12. The Enneagram.
  13. Schitt’s Creek.
  14. Books that are part of a series.
  15. YouTube.
  16. Tailgate szn.
  17. Cotton candy sunsets.
  18. Best pups.
  19. Audiobooks from the library.
  20. The Marco Polo App.
  21. Roomba.
  22. Gatorade Zero.
  23. Sheer curtains.
  24. Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore.
  25. Making Lists.
  26. Naps (forever).
  27. Massage Gun.
  28. Outlook and Google Calendar.
  29. Time outside during sunset.

Wishing For Twenty – Nine

Just inching closer to the big 3-0. This feels like the first birthday in a while that I’ve actually been excited about. I’m not sure why that is, but I’m glad I’m happy where I’m at. I’ve seen a couple of my favorite bloggers share their birthday wishlist, so I thought I’d do the same. Even though i’m not expecting these items, I think it will be fun collage to look back on in the future. I’ve almost been blogging for 11 years at this point, and looking back on some of the things I’ve shared has given lots of insight into what life was like at the time. Here are a few things that are catching my eye.

ONE. I don’t have a particular brand in mind, but I’d love a phone belt to tuck my phone into when I’m out walking or running. The arm bands just aren’t it, and these have raving reviews.

TWO. So I may have already bought us this (whoops) but huge fan of massage guns lately and couldn’t not include it.

THREE. I’m a huge fan of the Hemnes line at IKEA.

FOUR. This is my favorite camera bag of all time. I love that it’s inconspicuous, and looks like a purse so I could take my camera anywhere. Carrying a camera bag and a purse, or just camera bag as a purse can be a little clunky. This fits just the camera body and a lens which will be perfect for what I typically need.

FIVE. I’m currently swooning over Air Force 1s. These and these.

SIX. I’m a fan of anything green, and pothos are my current favorite because of how easy they are.

SEVEN. Apparently these aren’t as easy to care for, but Monsteras make a statement. Would love to have one of these taking up residence in our home.

EIGHT. Floor length mirror? Yes please. We’re currently using a $3 mirror that was sold when one of us was moving into a college dorm. I love the clean lines of this one and that it can be leaning or mounted to the wall.

NINE. I am loving these watch bands (and bracelets) from Victoria Emerson. I’m not normally a bracelet gal but I love the stacked look and how these are all technically one piece.

The Year of Open + 2020 Goal Setting

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe we’re standing toe to toe with a new year and decade. As I have the last couple years, I’ve been thinking through my goals and intentions for 2020 with Lara Casey’s PowerSheets. It’s such an amazing tool to cultivate what matters and count fruit – even if it feels small.

My process of setting goals, always starts out with a word that I feel like the Lord is whispering to me. This year, I was telling Kevin his word should be “open” although I had no reason why and then I took it back because in that exact moment I was like, actually that’s my word. It was the most interesting way of a word coming up for me but I’m excited to run with it. As I let the word marinate through December, open really felt like an invitation for me. Here is the note I took on my phone over the course of a couple weeks:

  • Open is an invitation to let my guard down, to experience vulnerability, and to invite people in.
  • Open is an invitation into wonder and delight. To get outside, go for drives, and take in the natural beauty around me.
  • Open is an invitation to enjoy rhythms over routines. To try new things. To allow flexibility and spontaneity.
  • Open is an invitation to dig deeper into God’s word and truly experience solitude with the Lord.
  • Open is an invitation to really live in the margins. To stop scrolling and spend my time doing things that fill my cup.
  • Open is an invitation to a peaceful, deep, and joy-filled 2020.

Here are my 2020 Goals for the year of OPEN.

Goal 1: Prioritize my health – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and social.

Why? To change the trajectory of my life. To live strong. To be who God made me to be.

The positive affect taking action on this goal may have on me and others: Taking action on this goal will affect all areas of my life, decision making, sleep, energy levels and, of course, the people around me.

Mini Goals:

  • Create good nutrition habits and portion sizes.
  • Move my body and challenge myself in my workouts.
  • Decrease stress through simplification and removing barriers of decision making.
  • Purchase more second-hand and ethically sourced items.

Starting Steps (and when I’ll do them): download new app for tracking food (12/29); try a cycling class (1/2020); add workouts to my calendar weekly (1/2020)

Encouraging Words: 1 Corinthians 10:41, Psalm 23:1-6, Philipians 4:8

Goal 2: Allow open to be an invitation to live intentionally.

Why? Being open to change and vulnerability as well as growth of faith will help me to be a better follower of Christ who deeply and intentionally impacts the lives of others.

The positive affect taking action on this goal may have on me and others: Taking action on this goal will allow me to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, glorify the Lord, and bear fruit in my life and that of others.

Mini Goals:

  • Experience solitude with God through Bible reading and deeper prayer.
  • Choose vulnerability with my people to go deeper in relationships.
  • Love on my people by celebrating and hosting them well.
  • Invest in daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly rhythms over routines.

Starting Steps (and when I’ll do them): clean off my desk/raskog cart (12/31); order Hobonichi Weeks to be used for Bible Study, gratitude, and church notes (12/30); create a social media mantra (2/2020); plan a trip to see Brittany and Taylor (1/2020)

Encouraging Words: Ephesians 5:15-17, Hebrews 10:24-25, 1 Timothy 4:15-16, Matthew 11:30

There you have it! I can’t wait to see where open takes me in 2020!

2018 Year in Review

Happy 2019! I just love the feeling of a New Year, not because it’s anything special, but because it gives me time to reflect and celebrate victories of the year and look forward to the next. One of my very favorite posts from last year was my year-end review of 2017, and at the end of an exhausting 2018, it feels even more imperative to count the good things.

Relying on God has to begin all oveR again every day as if nothing had yet been donE CS Lewis by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • We rang in the New Year at our house with some very close friends and yummy food.
  • I kicked off the year with my one little word, Connect, in hopes of prioritizing my connection with God through deeper prayer, connecting with my body, exploring more natural household and beauty products, being more intentional with my online connections, and creating space for vulnerability.
  • We celebrated Chloe’s 5th Birthday with a big ole treat. Our girl is spoiled.
  • My best friend, Brittany, got engaged and they set a wedding date for September! I literally screamed when the text came through and was thrilled when I realized I would get to see her multiple times in one year.
  • We played lots of games with friends: Bananagrams, Jackbox, What Do You Meme?, Utter Nonsense, Code Names and Forbidden Island.
  • Book Read: Grit: Passion, Perseverance, and the Science of Success

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • I took on a daily photo challenge in February and learned a lot more about the DSLR I purchased last year.
  • After lots of studying, I PASSED MY REAL ESTATE EXAM. Kevin surprised me with a sign in the yard and yummy dessert.
  • I completed Liz Lamoreux’s  21 Day Tell It: Collage ECourse. Highly recommend.
  • Helped Taylor paint almost every room in their new house. Truly one of the sweetest memories of our friendship.
  • Brittany asked me to be the matron of honor in their wedding.
  • Kevin traveled for work for the first time, and Chloe and I held down the fort.
  • We got some amazing weather, so we opted for a picnic and the obligatory family feet photo.
  • Books Read: Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better and All the Leader You Can Be: The Science of Achieving Extraordinary Executive Presence

House by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • Kevin and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary.
  • It snowed the most beautiful sloppy snow, and I snapped my favorite photo ever of our home. Check out Chloe watching me through the window.
  • We celebrated a HUGE milestone in our debt free journey.
  • Mom and I went to a cooking class to learn all about how to use and cook with an Instant Pot. Macaroni and Cheese game changer, my friends.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • We celebrated our Two Year Highridge Ranch-iversary, which meant it was time for a little home reno project. April was the start of the research phase.
  • We upgraded to iPhones with Portrait mode. Game. Changer.
  • Books Read: A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World and 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge and Found Self-Help That Actually Works, Yes Please

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • I had an entire week of PTO to burn (or lose), so we took a last minute trip to Las Vegas!
  • Sarah saw us struggling to take selfies in our new hammock, and offered to take these photos of us. For sure, my favorite photo of us this year.
  • We made the last payment on our Honda Civic – a couple years early!
  • Books Read: The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Have Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store, Capturing Light: The Heart of Photography, Ruth’s Journey, and The Road Back to You

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • We traveled with my family to La Jolla, CA for a week and stayed in a stunning house on the coast.
  • We started on our bathroom renovation project after having a window installed and a couple months of researching.
  • Books Read: Great at Work and The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • We celebrated fourth of July at Missouri’s state capital with Alex and Tony.
  • Kevin’s brother, Dave, moved in with us (and Chloe gained a best friend)!
  • Kevin had surgery to remove his gallbladder and we spent time recovering.
  • Books Read: The Genius of One, One Thousand Gifts, 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • I celebrated my 27th birthday (without a major break down).
  • I made a prayer binder to help focus on my prayer life and goal of connecting with God.
  • We completed the bathroom renovation and I’m thankful (a million times over) for family that helped us through the project. We could not have done it without them.
  • Books Read: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, and Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life

Photo by Matt Mason Photography in Lake Geneva


  • Kevin started streaming Overwatch and PUBG on Twitch regularly.
  • I celebrated 8 whole years of blogging.
  • I flew with Taylor out to Milwaukee for Brittany’s Bachelorette Party. So. Much. Fun.
  • We tailgated a whole bunch and hosted the Ernsts for Taylor’s first ever Mizzou game!
  • I stood beside Brittany and Evan as they tied the knot in the beautiful town of Lake Geneva. We definitely celebrated the night away.
  • Book Read: Girl, Wash Your Face

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • We celebrated the wedding of our friends, Alexa and Andrew, in St. Louis.
  • I finally finished Friends which I started last December, and despite enjoying the show, took a long break from TV.
  • We stayed at home for the first Halloween since moving into our house, and we had lots of trick-or-treaters!
  • Books Read: The Road Back to You

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • We experienced an autumn with the most beautiful colors I can remember…
  • …and then it snowed for the first time of the season.
  • I got acrylic nails for the first time and loved them.
  • I started Bible Journaling through Grace and Gratitude (haven’t finished yet, but the beginning was fun.)
  • We purchased a new skinny Christmas tree and put it up way too early. No shame.
  • I decided on my 2019 word of the year, rest.

Untitled by Jacqueline and Kevin Reape on 500px.com


  • I saw the play A Christmas Carol and spent quality time with my parents while Kevin was in Denver.
  • Kevin turned 27 (yep, he’s younger than me).
  • The press released Kevin’s biggest project to date. So stinkin’ proud of him.
  • We spent a difficult Christmas in St. Louis surrounded by family and friends.
  • I tried Top Golf for the first time and somehow managed not to come in last.
  • We rang in the New Year with friends, cats, and Barred Owl.

Cheers to 2019!