Best of 2016

It’s the last day of 2016 already? Part of me is not surprised that I’m already writing this post again, but at the same time, part of me is in denial as well. There’s something about the days between Christmas and New Years that always have me in a pensive mood, reflecting on my year. This particular one has been chock-full of blessings and adventures I couldn’t even have dreamed up if I’d tried. I’m thankful to have this space and be digging back through these memories, but I have to admit i’m reluctant to waive goodbye to 2016. Here are some highlights:

Best Pup
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Best Husband
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Best Purchase
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Best News – I got a Promotion
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Best Family Photo
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Best Friends
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Best Lunch Date
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Best Birthday
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Best Feet Picture
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Best Walks with Chloe
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Best Girls’ Weekend
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Best word choice for 2016
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Only a few hours until we’ll be welcoming 2017. What’s on your highlight reel?

best of 2015 | best of 2014


Twenty Things About Me

  1. Coffee is one of my favorite smells and least favorite tastes. Each weekday, we wake up to our coffee pot brewing and it always reminds me of airports, which makes every morning happy.
  2. I dabble in way too many hobbies – Traditional Scrapbooking, Project Life, Journaling, Planning, Painting, Decorating, Stamping, Blogging, Bible Journaling, Gardening, Baking, Cooking, Exercising, Photography, Sewing, Crafting…the list goes on and I’m always adding more.
  3. I have blogged at least once a month (but often more) for six years straight.
  4. I married my high school sweetheart, whom I met in fifth grade.
  5.  I’m a classic Leo and ESTJ who also happens to dabble in all the creative things. So that’s confusing.
  6. My favorite travel destinations are St. Lucia and Hawaii, because beaches and warm weather are my jam.
  7. I’d rather listen to Podcasts and YouTube videos instead of music because they make me feel like I’m learning something.
  8. I enjoy reading historical fiction and my all time favorite book is Gone With the Wind.
  9. My favorite color changes every day – today it’s turquoise.
  10. I like nature because it’s perfect even when it’s not and you can find symmetry everywhere. It’s so beautiful and mysterious, which makes photographing it the most interesting.
  11. I don’t have a favorite movie.
  12. I collect stationary and love sending snail mail to my family and friends.
  13. It takes me approximately 32 minutes to get ready in the morning, including taking care of our dog and making the bed.
  14. I didn’t pump gas for the first time until I was 18.
  15. My favorite flowers are easily peonies and the only thing I know about them, other than how beautiful they are, is that they aren’t in season in March.
  16. The last time I wore a full face of make up (ok…more than just mascara) was my wedding day.
  17. I’m terrible at making small decisions like choosing what to eat for dinner but making big decisions like choosing a house or car to buy feels like a breeze.
  18. Relaxing is always on my to-do list.
  19. I’ve visited 38 states.
  20. One time I tried to make a capsule wardrobe with 40 pieces of clothing but I had to stop because I didn’t have that many items.

This post is part of my challenge to post every day in July! To see them all, click here!

Nourish | January Prompt

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Nourish | verb [nur-ish] | to supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, foster and keep alive.

Quote: When we nourish ourselves with good people, projects, surroundings, scenery, love, magic, beauty, and self-care, we radiate light into the world and continually sharpen our vision, perception, and clarity all at once. This in turn spreads to other beings which spreads to other beings which spreads to even more. Remember that one tiny drop can raise an ocean. Keep wanting. Desiring. Doing. Breaking in the sweet things. – Victoria Erickson

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Reason Why: As I mentioned in my first post, I had a bit of a hard time choosing this word. After two years of choosing words that were event-focused, I wanted to choose a word that would help me focus on me. I am craving nourishment. I have put self-care on the back burner due to lack of time, energy and effort. I need to slow down and make time for myself and the things that God wants me to make priorities in my life. I am worth it.

Take Action:

Physical – I want to consume nourishing foods, participate in regular exercise and have a regular sleep schedule throughout this year.
Mental – I plan to practice daily journaling and meditation as well as exhaust creative outlets and try new things.
Emotional – I hope to allow myself to welcome feelings and thoughts that are normally pushed aside as well as know when to say no when it comes to taking on more projects.
Relational – I’d like to work on simplifying social media/phone usage, decrease subscription emails, and connect on a deeper level and spend time with family and friends.
Spiritual – This year, I want to read the Bible consistently and complete a six month prayer journal with Kevin.

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The Year Ahead:

MORE nourishment.

MORE slowing down, LESS letting moments pass me by.

MORE deep conversations, LESS technology.

MORE self-care, LESS unreasonable expectations.

MORE grace, LESS impatience.

MORE healthy foods, LESS fast foods.

MORE yoga and meditation.

MORE journaling, LESS bottled up emotions.

LESS worry, anxiety, frustration.

MORE humility, LESS pride.

MORE, MORE, MORE love. For myself and for others.

Best of 2015

Two thousand fifteen has been the best year and best adventure. It was the year I married my best friend. It was the year we rescued our sweet pup. It was the year we made our first big purchase together. As I reflect on this year, I am so thankful for all of the wonderful things that have happened but I am also so excited knowing that we get to continue on this adventure together. Choosing adventure for my One Little Word has been so rewarding in teaching me to be more spontaneous and go-with-the-flow, yet it reminds me that where I am is exactly where I want to be.

Best Choice for Word of the Year
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Best Way to Sum Up How I feel about Cats after Living with Two
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Best Breakfast
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Best Day
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Best Moment
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Best Husband
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Best Dance Move
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Best Girlfriends
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Best Vacation
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Best Flower
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Best Family Photo
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Best Concert (Billy Joel)
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Best Fast Food
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Best Feet Photo
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Best Continued Hobby
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Best Purchase
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Best Smile
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Best New Tradition
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Best Family Selfie
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Best First Christmas
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Thanks for hanging out and following along with my blog this year. It means so much to me and encourages me to keep writing. If you want to check out my best of 2014 post, you can find it here!

I wish you the very best in the New Year.