This post was originally written at the beginning of March when we first learned of baby’ Reape’s gender, however, it wasn’t posted until after we made the announcement.
Kevin and I went back and forth trying to decide if we’d look at the gender results up until the moment we found out. We knew we’d have the opportunity to find out earlier than our anatomy scan, due to the genetic screening that our doctor recommended. We have friends and family who have both found out and who have waited until the birth day and both seemed to have pros and cons. We loved the idea of a surprise (there are so few in life!) but we also loved the idea of calling baby by their name and bonding in that way before they are born. So, we decided to find out! Before I share, let’s see if the old wives tales can accurately determine the results.
Heart Rate
- Boy = below 140, Girl = above 140
- Our baby’s heart rate has been between 160-165.
- Conclusion: girl
Chinese Calendar
- Based on conception month (December) and my age (29)
- Conclusion: girl
- They say that girls steal their mother’s beauty.
- I have had terrible acne since finding out I am pregnant.
- Conclusion: girl
How You’re Carrying
- It’s still too early to tell
- Salty = boy, Sweet = girl
- I have been craving all the sweets (cake, fruit, gummies, etc) and normally I love salty snacks.
- Conclusion: girl
Severity of Morning Sickness
- Mild = boy, severe = girl
- I’ve had very little morning sickness.
- Conclusion: boy
- Moody, irritable = girl, Stable, mellow = boy
- So far, Kevin says he hasn’t noticed any difference to my fairly stable mood.
- Conclusion: boy
Mom’s prediction: boy
Dad’s prediction: girl
Totals: BOY = 3, GIRL = 5
No surprise that it’s a close one, and with a few tests left out or inconclusive because it’s still so early maybe we didn’t get the most accurate results. But without further ado….