Nourish | verb [nur-ish] | to supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, foster and keep alive.
Quote: When we nourish ourselves with good people, projects, surroundings, scenery, love, magic, beauty, and self-care, we radiate light into the world and continually sharpen our vision, perception, and clarity all at once. This in turn spreads to other beings which spreads to other beings which spreads to even more. Remember that one tiny drop can raise an ocean. Keep wanting. Desiring. Doing. Breaking in the sweet things. – Victoria Erickson
Reason Why: As I mentioned in my first post, I had a bit of a hard time choosing this word. After two years of choosing words that were event-focused, I wanted to choose a word that would help me focus on me. I am craving nourishment. I have put self-care on the back burner due to lack of time, energy and effort. I need to slow down and make time for myself and the things that God wants me to make priorities in my life. I am worth it.
Take Action:
MORE nourishment.
MORE slowing down, LESS letting moments pass me by.
MORE deep conversations, LESS technology.
MORE self-care, LESS unreasonable expectations.
MORE grace, LESS impatience.
MORE healthy foods, LESS fast foods.
MORE yoga and meditation.
MORE journaling, LESS bottled up emotions.
LESS worry, anxiety, frustration.
MORE humility, LESS pride.
MORE, MORE, MORE love. For myself and for others.