It’s been nearly two years since I’ve shared my monthly goals, but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been putting my PowerSheets to work each month. Goals with a toddler look a lot different and feel a lot more functional than they have in the past. I think there’s something to be said for priorities and being more intentional about how I spend my free time these days. When it comes to goals this month, a lot of this has been on my radar and circles back to the big picture of my word of the year, engage. I’m thinking of November as the prep work for the holiday season in order to really be able to slow down and spend as much time as possible with family during December.
- Write 10+ Blog Posts – I’ve been hoping to figure out a balance of what I want to share in this space and I think that having a goal will help me do that. One of my favorite things to do in years past was Blog-tember – where a group of us shared a blog post every single day of September based on a list of prompts. Leading up to November, I wrote down a list of things that have been on my mind to share, so I’m going to start there.
- Finish Christmas shopping – I really want to set the pace for the holiday season by having a plan ahead of time and focusing on family and experiences this holiday season (vs stressing last minute about gifts). I already have quite a few ideas so it’s just a matter of getting a few more and making the selections.
- Have Family Photos Taken – This one may be cheating, because it’s already scheduled, but it’s my goal to have family photos taken at least twice a year. I’m hoping this lines up perfectly for Christmas cards.
- Decorate for Christmas – I normally wait to put Christmas decorations up until the beginning of December, but with celebrating Christmas out of town (and knowing I’ll take everything down the moment I get home), I really want to enjoy the decorations in our home more than ever. I cannot wait to see Callahan’s delight at the lights this year.
- Walk – I am hoping to get outside to walk with Callahan every day when the weather is nice! Let’s say 45 degrees or warmer.
- Sabbath – I haven’t been great this year about prioritizing a day of rest. I feel like I go-go with work through the week and then the weekends are my time to focus on errands and around the house chores. I’d really like to take a look at my normal rhythms to see if I can’t adjust that for a whole day of no commitments and to do list items.
- Four Books – I want to keep up the pace of reading/listening to four books in November. I’m already at 32 for the year and hope to finish at about 40!
- Paint the Upstairs Trim – A project that I’m not looking forward to that will pay dividends in terms of enjoying how my home looks and feels. The ideal situation would be to take a day off work to do it.

What goals are you setting for November?