Happy Valentine’s Day! Celebrating special days just feels so much more fun with our boy. He delights in alllll the little things, which is such a good reminder that all the hoopla and big things aren’t necessary.

His Mr Steal Your Heart sweatshirt, his pose, his smile – ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I justified it (like two months in advance) by telling myself it was true all year round, so he’d get plenty of wear out of it. It’s also the comfiest material of all time. (Do they sell adult sizes?)
Kevin and I aren’t gift exchangers or really big V-Day celebrators (other than the excuse to go out to eat) so we still kept it really simple, despite my wanting to buy all the things in an attempt to make it feel that much more special. We got Callahan some balloons – he points them out anytime we’re at a store – which he was obsessed with and perfect for our minimalist home since they won’t last forever. I always love the excited stomping and surprised open mouth face he makes when the balloons react in a way he doesn’t expect.

For his classmates at daycare, we did bubble wands with an Etsy note that I fell in love with. They were super easy to customize and I just used my photo printer to print four to a page. Callahan has loved bubbles since he was real little, so it just felt right.

He brought home lots of cutie Valentines from his friends, but the Bluey one takes the cake. Big fan (me and him).

We decided to eat at home and do a meal I recently stumbled across on Pinterest – Turkey Taco Stuffed Sweet Potatoes – which was a hit! Such a sweet Valentine’s Day for the three of us. ❤️