The Year of Whole

Whole (n):

1. a thing that is complete in itself

2. all of something

My Intentions

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to create better boundaries and to protect my peace.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to lean on my support system and to ask for help.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to abandon perfection and unreasonable expectations I’ve set for myself.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to care for myself and my family in a way that considers the whole being.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to contentment, ease, and margin.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to have a more intentional mindset.

⭐️ Wholeness is an invitation to take one day at a time.

Cheers to a year of so many good things.

The Year of Experiment + 2023 Goal Setting and Vision Board

It’s hard to believe that another year and another goal setting season are in the rearview. I love Christmas and I also love November and December for reflecting on the year and planning for the next one. I used to be someone who had the mindset that there was nothing special about the new year in terms of setting goals, but I’m rejecting that notion now. I truly get a renewed excitement over the new year that gives me just that little extra motivation and drive – so why not run with it?!

I had my one little word, experiment, picked out in September and felt ready to start carrying it with me. I mentioned at the beginning of 2022 that I wasn’t thrilled about “engage”. I started to lean into it a bit as the months set in, but I didn’t feel the pull to hold onto it as tightly as I had with other words. Experiment started to feel like a bit of a companion word that was hanging on for dear life while I tried to stick it out with engage. So, all that to say, I’m ready to give it the front and center attention that it deserves.

I’m really trying to keep it simple for my 2023 goals (which fits in perfectly with Goal #1). The more I try to add to my plate, the more my priorities are stretched and I think these two are worth really focusing on.

Simplify at Home

While setting goals for the year, I kept coming back to wanting to live my life intentionally. I have found myself (I’m sure like many other working parents) feeling like time with my boy is already limited, so I really don’t want to come home and have to micromanage my home. I want to come home and play and eat and learn and explore and go on adventures. This being said, I do want our home and my mindset about our home to be one of peace and comfort (for both myself and others).

So what does this practically look like? I’m glad you asked. Here are a few ideas that I have up my sleeve to reach this goal for 2023:

  • Get rid of 50% of our belongings.
  • Meal plan by month and then recycle through meals.
  • Spend more time outside.
  • Track spending/wardrobe in a way that considers if an item is consumable and how often it’s used.
  • Complete our basement work.
  • Stick to a cleaning schedule after bedtime.
  • Paint trim and walls in our main living space.


Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make your life simple but significant. – Maria Defillo

Minimalism isn’t about owning less than you need. It’s about owning exactly what you need. – Joshua Becker

Less, but better. – Greg McKeown

Focus on my Health

I’m annoyed at myself because I’m dragging last year’s goal into the new year. Last year, I honestly made a lot of excuses in terms of how I was treating my body and I don’t want to do that anymore. I mentioned above that I get a lot of motivation and willpower from the start of a new year, so I’m running with all that positive energy in hopes that I can make habits that stick. I’m sticking to a meal plan and trying working out regularly. My thought is that I don’t have to exercise everyday, but I can’t go two days in a row without moving my body.


Visualize your highest self and then show up as her. – Unknown

Below is my vision board and how I hope 2023 feels with both my One Little Word and my goals.

There you have it! Cheers to the best year yet!

Engage – MORE // LESS

MORE finishing the year soft, LESS finishing the year strong.

MORE embracing the season of dormancy, of slowing down.

MORE snuggles on the couch, LESS planned activities 24/7.

MORE engaging in the magic and the mess, LESS engaging in the expectations.

MORE focus on priorities, but LESS actual priorities.

MORE stops at the playground, LESS stuff to fill up our house.

MORE showing up authentically.

MORE deep conversations and vulnerability, LESS surface level.

MORE sabbath practice.

MORE embracing The And Space.

MORE peace, LESS turbulence.

MORE living in the present, LESS overthinking.

MORE connection, LESS distraction.

MORE delight and awe, LESS going through the motions.

MORE experiences, LESS clutter and things.

MORE deep breaths.

MORE texts, LESS tech.

MORE good books, but MORE of The Good Book.

MORE family hugs, pups included.

What are you hoping to incorporate more and less of in this season?