The Year of Delight – More // Less

MORE nature, and plants, and fresh air.
MORE intentionality.
MORE time together, LESS scrolling.
MORE chasing sunsets and big dreams.
MORE embracing “The And Space”.
MORE laughter and play, LESS taking life so seriously.
MORE patience and grace, LESS in a hurry.
MORE listening and thinking, LESS talking and consuming.
MORE asking for help.
MORE rhythms, LESS searching for control.
MORE creativity, LESS perfectionism.
MORE doing life on purpose, LESS letting life happen around me.
MORE front porch sitting.
MORE deep conversation, LESS stuff and things.
MORE growth.
MORE snuggles, and (apparently) LESS sleep. 😉

This is delight.

The Year of Delight + 2021 Goal Setting

The Year of Delight + 2021 Goal Setting

What a year. One that simultaneously felt a million months and just 2 months long at the same time. While we dealt with so many things we could have never imagined (dare I say…unprecedented?) just a year ago as we were ringing in 2020, this year was one of significant growth in so many areas of my life. I attribute so much of that to being able to slow my pace. I said to multiple friends as we were talking about the year that it felt like a time of intense Sabbath. A time of rest, a time of reseting, a time of learning and a time of figuring myself out.

I’ve been choosing a word each year as an intention and to help set goals. The strange thing about this year, is that delight has been my word for 2021since 2019. I knew open was for 2020, but delight just never left my mind. Delight feels a little like joy, but maybe more sought out.

delight (noun): great pleasure; satisfaction

Delight is an invitation to find the joy in the mundane.

Delight is an invitation to celebrate, to have dance parties in the kitchen with Kev, and just be silly.

Delight is an invitation to watch a beautiful sunset, or sit outside and watch rain fall, or take a long drive.

Delight is an invitation to continue the slowness I personally experienced in 2020.

Delight is an invitation to practice gratitude, even when days are hard or busy or stress-filled.

Delight is an invitation to get out of my comfort zone, but also to rest.

I hope 2021 is full of delight.

Goal: Number my days.

Why: I want to ruthlessly cut out anything that prevents me from being present, intentional, and LIVING this life.

What success looks like: More time spent doing things I love and less on social media and obligations. Feeling less rushed and more intentional every day.

Mini Goals:

  • Declutter (spend less time managing my stuff)
  • Meditate
  • Practice gratitude
  • Less social media / better boundaries
  • Slow Living
  • Adventures
  • Steward our money well

Encouraging Words:


Goal: Delight in the Lord.

Why: I really want to establish a stronger faith and build on the knowledge I already have.

What success looks like: A filled GrowthBook, verses memorized, prayers prayed, a grateful heart, and trusting the Lord’s sovereignty.

Mini Goals:

  • Weekly Sabbath
  • Daily prayer and Bible study
  • Live into my joy
  • Go above and beyond to delight people
  • Attend church weekly (in person or online)
  • Serve with all my heart

Encouraging Words:


Goal: Continue discovering wellness.

Why: I want to take care of my body, mind, and spirit to choose each day to take one more step in the right direction.

What success looks like: making changes and feeling positive about my body and all that it was able to do throughout the year.

Mini Goals:

  • Establish a wellness routine
  • Review current products I’m using for my hair, skin, and home and determine if there are better choices.
  • Kick the diet coke habit.
  • Continue my daily exercise habit from 2020.
  • Eat with balanced nutrition.

Encouraging Words:


There you have it! I can’t wait to see where delight takes me in 2021.